Surprise. My Lightbulb is Starting to Flicker!

23 Feb 2017

My Experience

I was pretty discouraged about this class going into the UI Design (Basics) module. I haven't finished a in-class WOD up to this point. I was even comtemplating about dropping the class. I also never developed a web page before in my life. Going through practice WODs BrowserHistory1, BrowserHistory2 and BrowserHistory3 was a very good introduction to basic web page design with HTML and CSS, but the web pages that I created weren't really eye candy.

Then, the Semantic UI module came along. At first going through the three hour Semantic UI PluralSight online tutorial, the material was quite mundane and a little difficult to get through. I kept thinking to myself, "OK, Semantic UI will just make a web page look a little bit more eye appealing". But, after the Island Snow with Semantic UI and Your Choice with Semantic UI WODs, Semantic UI blew my mind and really sparked my interest. I never would have thought I could decently replicate a professionally made web page so quickly. I always assumed very expensive software and many dedicated weeks were needed to develop a web page. Boy was I wrong. All of the web pages I created in our WODs looked professionally made. After the Island Snow WOD, I even went back to watch parts of the PluralSight tutorial again. Simple things such as putting in a div class UI container makes such a huge difference in appearance. I even catch myself hitting F12 now while browsing the web taking a few minutes to inspect the code. I am also planning to look into other HTML Frameworks and try to experience them. I put in a lot of time and energy in these modules, and it was definitely worth it. I know it is late, but I believe my light bulb is starting to go on. I even finished my WODs with AV times. Attending the AmyWODs also definitely helped a lot.

I am definitely looking forward to more experience with Semantic UI and learning to create a web application.